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We have a skilled crews that specializes in making Asphalt Repairs that not only look professional but hold up as well.

In business, timing is everything. We at KMI have the flexibility to ensure that your asphalt patching needs are performed in a timely and efficient manner.
Utility, Underground, Electrical, Plumbing, contractors will find our services invaluable. Even paving contractors will find that KMI can provide an important service for your company. Pulling your most experienced and skilled people from their trade to patch an asphalt trench costs you production, time, and money. Let KMI do it for you!

Questions about Sidewalks Repairs?

We are a private contractor we specialize in repair work, for utility companies and developers and even homeowners associations.
Please call if you have any questions to 864-412-0549 ,864-810-3546 or 864-304-5796 or our toll free number is 1-844-788-1088.

 We know pavement failures inside and out, from the cause of the failure to the implementation of solutions. Our team will take stock of the situation and implement a remedy that is custom-tailored to the site’s nuances. The goal is to prevent the problem from reappearing in the future. 
KMI Asphalt & Concrete, LLC
Tammy D. Clardy-President /Owner
P.O. Box 1776 Easley, SC 29641
Toll Free1-844-788-1088
864-412-0549 office
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